14 Jun Give yourself permission

Deviate from the norms
I regularly encourage people in the studio to say “WHAT IF ……….”.
To give yourself permission to explore, to experiment, to try out and to play. With your own ideas. Not what someone else told you or taught you. Not being restricted by inner or outer directives.
To ignore the querying voices that say “what will it be?” “what are you making?” or “what will you do with it?” As well-intentioned as these questions are from our family and friends, they often cause us to second guess ourselves and to feel we must justify our choices. To feel obliged to have a clear purpose before we begin. This can be a stranglehold on our own creativity and enjoyment of creating.
Of course there is a time and place for clear plans and intention. SAORI weaving is not one of them. It can take a lot of effort initially to go with the flow, to truly respond to intuition and feelings. There are plenty of times I ignore this. But, it is ultimately rewarding and freeing. And you will make beautiful cloth. Cloth that has an individuality, an energy and is a genuine expression of YOU.
Keep creating,

Off reed experiments
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